Union of Entrepreneurs of Innovative Technologies Development
Scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences
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THE UNION OF ENTREPRENEURS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES (hereinafter referred to as the "Union") is a corporate non-profit organization, an association of individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur and legal entities.

The Union is open to new members.

Members of the Union can be any legal entities and individuals with the status of an individual entrepreneur who have recognized its Charter and made the appropriate contributions and wish to contribute to the support and implementation of the objectives of the Union.

Admission to the membership of the Union is carried out by the Council of the Union on the basis of the application (decision) submitted by it addressed to the President of the Union, who represents the applicant at the Council of the Union closest from the date of filing the application (decision). An organization is considered accepted if more than 50% of the members of the Council of the Union voted for its admission.

Each joining the Union is obliged to pay the entrance fee in full at the same time as the membership fee within a month from the date of its acceptance by the Council of the Union.

The procedure for paying membership fees: 2 times a year, but no later than the last day of the month following the last month of the half-year, while the first half of the year begins on January 1, and the second half of the year - on July 1.

There are two options for entrance and periodic membership fees: larger and smaller. The right to choose the option of these contributions is exercised by a member of the Union (an organization joining the Union).

At the same time, the possibility of changing the option of these payments can be implemented by a member of the Union no more than once a year.

The amount of entrance and periodic membership fees of a larger size is established by the General Meeting of the members of the Union, and the amount of entrance and periodic membership fees of a smaller size - by the Council of the Union.

At the moment, the size of the entrance and periodic membership fee of a smaller size is 15 million rubles, a larger one - 50 million rubles.

You can read more about the conditions for paying contributions in the Charter.

A member of the Union terminates his membership by submitting an application to the Council of the Union through the Director of the Union. The application of a member of the Union shall also be accompanied by an appropriate decision of the body of this legal entity authorized to make such a decision. A member of the Union is considered to have withdrawn from it from the moment the application is submitted.

A member of the Union may be expelled from it for violating the provisions of the Charter of the Union, including non-payment of membership fees more than three times in a row without good reason, for activities that are contrary to the goals and objectives of the Union, as well as for actions that discredit the Union, causing moral or material damage to it .

Exclusion from the members of the Union is made by the General Meeting of the members of the Union. The decision to expel may be appealed in court.

A member of the Union is obliged to notify in writing the executive body of the Union within a week of changing his details.

198097, St. Petersburg, Trefoleva st., 2 letter B, room. 7n, 8n office 419
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